
Forum Posting

Forum websites are online discussion sites or message boards. There are a large number of forums on the internet with a wide variety of topics. Forums help people to communicate with each other by messages and posts that are publicly visible.

Forum posting can give your site one-way links and a high search engine ranking. Your website presence in popular forums not only increases your website backlinks but quality based comments and participation increases your websites referral visit.

Key Features

  • All the reviews will be written by experts who are knowledgeable in SEO.
  • Written reviews will be rich in keywords.

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is the process by which we post comments on blogs. This is widely used and safe method to build links.

Our team of experts never leave comments like “Great post. Thanks for sharing!” which make your comments look spammy and so your links will not stay longer.

Key Features

  • Our report will cover only the approved list of blog comments
  • We do our work 100% manually
  • Blog reviews will be posted only with blogs having at least a page rank of 1 or higher.
  • Only high PR do-follow blogs

Recent Projects


I was thoroughly impressed with the professional yet modern approach to designing my website. We were finally able to find a company that understood what we wanted and were able to deliver quickly with fantastic results. I would definitely recommend SIT Pvt. Ltd. to anyone looking for quality and great service.
- Nadia Hardman
"As a start up company, we had limited resources and needed a company who could help us with everything from design to building a CMS, and even hosting. I requested proposals from several companies, looking at several factors such as skills, cost, communication, and overall responsiveness. I was very impressed with Hardeep's resume and previous projects and hired Scorpio Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. to develop the site for our new business venture. I have been pleased with every step of the process, from the initial mockups to site edits and launching the site. If you are looking for affordability and quality, I highly recommend Scorpio Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd."
- Nancy Williams

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