Dinner Party Funn..
Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. Due to the rigorous hard work and effort of everybody involved, SIT has successfully completed its 4 years. The journey ahead looks promising; with the dedication and commitment of our team, nothing is impossible. To celebrate this happy occasion, a dinner party had been organized at the Garam Masala Resaturant.
The party commenced with snacks and lively banter, which was followed by moves on the dance floor in the accompaniment of loud party music. The excited SIT members enjoyed this joyous evening with energy and fervor. The Cake-cutting Ceremony was carried out by Mr. Hardeep & the SIT family. Our SIT Director, Mr. Hardeep was honored with the bouquet and gift from the SIT team members. The motivational speech that he went on to give inspired and stirred everybody present. A new fund, named the Welfare fund was announced on this occasion that would facilitate the collection of money for official activities. The party then proceeded to the Dinner and Drinks section. This party adds lots of special memories in the hearts of the SIT family.